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MA's Fiber

Your high speed internet

service provider.


Fiber Optics

What is Fiber Optic   Internet?

Fundamentally, fiber internet is any internet access through fiber-optic lines. What makes this access unique is that, unlike DSL and cable internet services that transmit electrical information through copper lines, fiber-optic lines use tiny strands of plastic or glass (just slightly thicker than a single human hair) to carry binary transmissions of light. Binary is a number system where the combination of only two numbers - 0 being "off" and 1 being "on" - represent more complex symbols or instructions. This method of fata transmission makes fiber internet the best for fast speed and reliability. 

Fast & Stable

What makes Fiber Optic Internet so fast?

Internet speed depends on how much data the infrastructure can handle. The traditional copper wires used by ADSL and cable internet were originally intended to transmit voice only, so they're limited in the amount of data they can handle.


If you are thinking about satellite internet, don't expect to find faster speeds. Thanks to the massive distance that satellite information hos to travel, satellite internet is about the same speed as ADSL and cable and internet but has a higher latency. 


In contrast Fiber Optic lines transfer data using modulated light instead of electricity, which gives them much higher bandwidth capacity. Fiber internet connections work at speeds up to 1 gigabit per second - literally 100 times faster than copper wire connections. Simply put, you cannot ask for anything better than fiber internet for gaming or streaming high-quality videos.

A Better Option

How is Fiber Optic Internet better than cable and ADSL?

In addition to providing the fastest possible internet connection, fiber internet has several other advantages over cable or ADSL.


Fiber Optic lines are better for carrying information over long distances. Even light and electricity are negatively affected by long-distance travel. Signal strength degrades the farther it has to travel, which can result in a weak signal or lower bandwidth. Copper cable links are limited to a distance of 328 feet to maintain signal strength. Fiber Optic cables can run up to almost 25 miles, which gives them better signal strength for less cable.


Fiber Optic lines are not affected by electrical or radio interference. Although copper is a great medium for conducting electricity, it is not a closed system, which means electromagnetic or radio interference can negatively affect it. High levels of interference will reduce signal strength and risk cutting the signal entirely. Glass and plastic fiber optic lines are more insulated against outside interference making their signal much more secure.


Fiber Optic lines are less prone to damage and wear and tear. Copper is soft metal and conducts heat, which means that older systems are prone to damage from the environment (including impacts or fire hazards) and will break down over time. Fiber lines, despite their extremely small size, are much harder and more resistant. While copper can withstand around 25 pounds of pressure before being damaged, fiber lines can take between 100 to 200 pounds of pressure.


If you consider the importance of speed, efficiency, and reliability when transmitting data, then your best choice is fiber internet for downloading and uploading your information.

Is Fiber Optic Internet Right For Me?

How to know if Fiber Optic Internet is the right solution for me?

If you only need internet for a bit of surfing, or chatting, Fiber Internet is probably not the right solution for you. In that case you should consider ADSL or cable internet instead of investing in fiber technology. However, if your household is heavy into HD video streaming or gaming and you're one of the lucky ones who lives in an area with access to fiber internet, then the answer is absolute yes. Get started, fill out the form to get Fiber Internet today. 

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